Yahalom Publishing specializes in producing Zemirot Shabat booklets with Shabbat songs, Kiddush, Birkat Hamazon, songs for celebrations and holidays. Printed in various formats and in various bindings.
    • Zmirot Shabbat 291 Sale
    • Zmirot Shabbat 291

      No. of pages: 216Dimentions: 17.5cmX12.5cmNusah: Ashkenaz,Description: booklet containing the prayers for the Friday evening meal and Shabbat daytime meals, plus a selection of songs for family celebrations. Includes Birkat Hamazon, berachah acharonah and havdalah. Including all yearly Kiddush books. Hard Sky Cover in White with gold printing Now in a new and...

      $7.30 $4.50